Monday 19 June 2017


Challenges to provision of quality customer service in business organization

Farah Nadiah Bt Ali
University Technology Mara


In this article, it is to focusing on how the business organization face a challenge to provision of quality customer service in business organization. There is different kind of challenge that the organization need to face in order to fulfill customer’s satisfaction and to maintain their business organization to going well and excellent in a future. In addition, organization need to take serious in anything that involve customer’s complaints to satisfy them. So that the organization will not having much problem in a future and they can handle it very well. The organization will become success in a future if they can handle the challenge in a quality customer service well.

Keywords- Business organization, inadequate staff, vital records, security, protection

1.0  Introduction

Business organization can be define as any official activity with the objective of making profit from the sale of goods or services (Nurussobah, 2013). In order to run the business, there will be challenges that organization will need to face. A management and organization structure consisting of relationship, responsibilities and authorities through which the business performs its activities in pursuit of defined objectives. To become a successful, the organization depends on how well it is managed. Besides that, all organization need to keep records of business decisions and transactions to meet the demand of corporate accountability and as their own information needs. It will become a challenge if they are not properly arranged their information accordingly. Other than that, there will be different kinds of changes that companies will face during their lifetime. According to Mohammad and Hediyeh (2011), sometimes there are internal problems occurring that needs to be solved or advancement in technology and going to new era may be another reason for such changes. They will become challenges to provision of quality customer service in business organization.
Hence, it is important to change behavior and the way people think about their work, which for some people it may take time to adopt from individual change to organization change. In many organizations, one of the biggest security risks is not technology but people. According to Sitanda (2013), to get a survival and success in doing a business, organization need to develop capability to manage threats and exploit emerging opportunities promptly. Organization need to think carefully their goals that need to achieve after they started doing a business. An increase profit make by the organization will make the business become successful. The organization also can increase their customers by having a good business make customers attract to them. However, to satisfy customer demand, organization need to have a strategic to handle it. There is a certain challenges to provision of quality customer’s service in business organization that is inadequate staff, lack of vital records management tools, inadequate and poor storage space, lack of cooperation from customers and security and protection of records.

2.0  Discussion

2.1  Challenges to provision of quality customer service in business organization

Every organization must having a difficult time in giving a good quality services in business organization. The challenges will make the organization become worst and they might lose their customers. If the organization know how to handle the difficulty, they can overcome the challenge. In this article, it is focusing on the challenges to provision of quality customer’s services in business organization.

3.0  Inadequate staff

Employee engagement is paramount in business circles because it brings positive outcomes for organizations. According to Jones and Lewis (2011), they indicated the relationship of employees to their organizations materialized through withdrawal behavior or commitment to the organization. Sometimes organization that did not have inadequate staffs because they are high demand. A high demand organization sometimes gives advantages and disadvantages to their organization. Besides that, the workplace environment also one of effect why a certain organization did not have enough staffs. For example, some people want that job, but because of the location of the organization is not at the strategic place they cannot apply for the job. It is because they did not have transport to go for work and around the organization did not have a public transport. According to Syed Saad (2011), there is a various ways that stress symptoms or outcomes are reflected in the workplace. It is about shift problems, weekend duty, inadequate pay, long working hours and discrimination in the workplace. As a human, in doing a work we need to avoid from getting stress. If we are doing a work in a stress situation, a work that being done will have many mistakes because we do in a stress situation. The Malaysian Employment Act defines the workweeks as 48 hours, with a maximum of eight working hours per day and 6 working days per week. Apart from that, change in a workload tends to change a stress level of employees. A leader need to avoid from giving their employees a lot of workload that they cannot do so that they can avoid from being stress at the workplace.

4.0  Lack of vital records management tools

The next challenges that organization will face to provision of quality customer service in organization is lack of vital records management tools. In records management, the term record carries far heavier weight. The International Standard on Records Management ISO15489 defines a record as information created or received in any format as part of business activity which needs to be kept as evidence of that business activity (Kanuti, 2014). Vital records are fundamental to an organization’s ability to function (Latham, 2014). Certain vital records contain information critical to the continued operation or survival of an organization during or immediately following a crisis. Such records are necessary to continue operations immediately under abnormal conditions. They contain information necessary to recreate an organization’s legal and financial status and preserve the rights and obligations of stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors and citizens.  As for information, some vital records might be unique and difficult or prohibitively expensive to reproduce. However, they may be required in their original form to meet or fulfill evidential requirements. Records should be classified as vital only for as long as they support critical business processes and fulfill the requirements described above. Once they have fulfilled this role, they should be reclassified.

5.0  Inadequate and poor storage space

Every business needs to keep detailed records in order to maintain normal operations. With a well-supported and secure records management system, lost customer files should not happen. Organizational structure creates the company hierarchy for authority and responsibility. According to Root (2017), when there is a strong structure in place, the company runs efficiently and develops new ways to improve productivity. However, failure to put in place an effective system can lead to trouble in finding files that provide information on customer accounts, including purchases, payments and other key data to the relationship. This affects your ability to provide the best service and sales experience to top clients. When employee routinely lose customer data files or cannot easily retrieve them, we begin to experience lost customers or clients, which contributes to poor results (Kokemuller, 2017). That is why electronic records management system is the best tools that can be used to save all files and organization can avoid from lose their customers information.   

6.0  Lack of cooperation from customers
In doing a business, customer’s satisfaction is one of most important thing that we need to care. That is why cooperation from customers is important. According to Brozek (2015), the past five years have marked the beginning of the “Age of the Customer,” in which technology and economic forces have put customers in control of their interactions with businesses. Many of us must have been heard that in doing a business, customers is always right. In addition, customers live in a world with 24/7 access to almost anything and have many more options than ever before (Hernandez, 2016). That is why organization eagerly vying for their attention, hoping to stand out in a crowded marketplace by providing a superior customer experience. Thus, customer expectation of highly personalized experiences continue to evolve daily. Many are quick to go elsewhere if they do not received the desired experience. If we are in a customer situation which concern with something that the organization produce, we will give a full cooperation to them. So that the organization can fulfill customers satisfaction by listening customers problems and needed in a services.

7.0  Security and protection of records
Every organization need to have a security and protection towards their records. Records are very important in any organization because it is going to be an evident for a future if they are having a problem with other organization or people. So that, they can protect the organization from getting summons. According to Choi (2013), there are more technological options that ever before for keeping track of records and ensuring their safe delivery. Nowadays, technology even makes it possible track the movement of individual documents as you request them from your files. In addition, audits trails can be used to track movement of each box or individual document. Apart from that, when the organization store documents at the business site or in a public facility, a records management partner can offer advanced tools on their site to prevent theft. Besides that, fire safety is important issues and a good reason to outsource document management and storage.
 As we know records are from the paper or file that being keep in a room, which have a high probability to catch on fire. Therefore, that is why it is important to protect the records from damages. In addition, tracking who can access to organization documents as well as where they can add another layer of security. The best security system in the world can fail if personnel are not carefully screened and access management properly. All staff receive information security about awareness training and be reminded of the importance of security via direct emails and local awareness sessions. Other than that, The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out eight data protection principles that must be complied with when the council is processing personal data. The eight principles require that personal data:- (Riaviz and Dunn,2013).

  • must be processed fairly and lawfully,
  • must be processed for specified and lawful purposes,
  • must be adequate, relevant and not excessive,
  • must be accurate and update to date,
  • must not be kept longer than necessary,
  • must be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights,
  • be held and processed securely,
  • must not be transferred to countries out with the EEA without suitable safeguards.

8.0  Conclusion

In a conclusion, there is many challenges to provision of quality customer service in business organization. The challenges include inadequate staff, lack of vital records management tools, inadequate and poor storage space, lack of cooperation from customers and security and protection of records. This challenge can be avoid if the organization know how to manage their business accordingly and perfectly. A good service will come out with a good customer’s satisfaction feedback. If customers feeling happy with our services they will continued to maintain a business with the organization. It is also can increase the organization profits and improve the quality of services. That is why organization need to be ready to face this challenge so that they will not lose their customers in a future.


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