Knowledge Gained

For the first time we heard about Faculty of Information Management, we feel curious because we did not heard about this faculty before. Thus, to know more about this Faculty, we are doing a search through a Google to find out what subject is being offer in this Faculty.

Based on our search, we found out that, this Faculty provide four main course, which is Information System Management, Record Management, Library Management and Resource Center Management. This faculty emphasize on how well the students will manage their data and their time properly. It is because they want to produce a professional IT, Records, Library and Resource Center officer for a management industry.

In addition, Faculty of Information Management is one of course, that being offer in UiTM Puncak Perdana. It only offer for Degree, Master and PhD level in UiTM Puncak Perdana. As for information, starting September 2017, Library course has been move to UiTM Rembau. So only Information System Management, Record Management and Resource Center Management stay here.
As we study in this faculty, we have been gain many experience and knowledge on how we can control and manage our data and information accordingly. It is hope that, the alumni from Faculty of Information Management will doing well in their workplace by spread a knowledge and teach their workplace friends on how the right way they can handle the data and information well.


Our academic program, supplemented by industry attachments, equip graduates with knowledge and skills to take on the challenging demands of managing information in various forms and in various types of organizations. Our graduates become the main driving force for the development of a knowledge-based society, transforming Malaysia into a developed nation, ensuring that the country’s rich reservoirs of knowledge are systematically organized, maintained and enhanced for optimum value. We can get several skills from this program such as:

Team member
Wherever you study, there is a strong chance that you will have to get along with a variety of people. That is one of the reasons that teamwork appears so often on job specifications for graduate roles. Teamwork is also a big part of university life. We have to complete a group project or work on a presentation as part of a team.

We might have been nervous the first time that we had to stand in front of class and present, but doing this will enable us to get more familiar with skills that we will be using during job search, most importantly in the interview. Besides that, we have learned to speak confidently and clearly, dress smartly and answer some important questions during our studies. Presentation skills are useful once we are working, as we will often have to contribute to meetings and be comfortable talking to clients and those in more senior positions to us.

Time management
We will be prioritizing tasks on a daily basis in our job, but it is possible to start improving these skills by applying these tips to university life. For example, we have deadlines to meet and exams to prepare for. So that, what we have learned is we can manage time by creating a commotion list and time limits so that you use your time effectively. Being able to organize our time could help us get excellent results at University as well as at work.

Problem solving
As we study in this program, we will have to do plenty of problem solving. For example, deciding what point we can argue in an essay to working out our budget for a term, we will have made many decisions by the time we graduate.

We will have developed plenty of soft skills during our degree life but one of the best ways to try them out is to take part in an internship program or in the future.

What will you experience from learning in faculty of Information Management?

          Firstly, when you enter in this faculty, you will see and face the new environment of the faculty. Although this faculty are very small compare to other campuses in Malaysia, but this faculty are very comfortable and complete with the infrastructure that needed. The infrastructure here complete for the student use. For example in this faculty, there is a medium library called Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR). This library have very conducive environment with many books and references that can be refer by students of this faculty. Other than that, on this faculty also have cafe for the student to buy breakfast and also have food court called ‘kandang’ among this student here.  On this faculty also have the classroom and the lab for student to have the class. All the infrastructure that needed by the student have in this faculty. Other than that, the student here does not have to get the bus to go to the class in the morning. This is because,the college is behind the faculty. So, this faculty is suitable for the student who does not want to scramble to have the bus.

               Secondly, when you are in semester one, you will expose to the information management learning. At this time, you will expose to the subject related to the information. Other than that, you will also expose to the subject related to the management. At that time, you will learn about the theory of information management. The lecturer will expose to you the basic about the information management. Basically, this subject is very fun and interesting to be learned from the lecturer. You will also learn about how to manage the information in your daily life. The knowledge that you get learned from your studies and lecturers are actually is very priceless. This knowledge that you learn can be apply to your daily routine activities. You will able to arrange and manage the information correctly.

               Other than that, in this faculty is divided into four main courses which is library management (im244), system management (im245), record management (im246) and lastly resource management (im247). From this four main course, you will learn in details the courses that take in this university. You will learn the management of your program until the end of the semester. Other than that, u will able to take elective subject from other courses when you are in semester 4 until semester 6.

               In this faculty, you will not fully expose only in learning and studying but many activities indoor and outdoor that students can join. For example, you can join the internal association in this faculty. Every course in this faculty has their own association. For example, Association of Information Management System (AIMS) is for the system management student. You also can join the external association like Persatuan Silat Gayung, Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah and many other associations.

               For the conclusion, this faculty is very interesting to join because you will gain many fun knowledge and priceless experience. In three year of process learning here, you will graduate as the knowledgeable and manageable person to use in your working environment and daily life. 

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