Monday 19 June 2017


Key Stakeholder in Business

Nur Natashah Binti Zainal
Faculty of Information Management,
Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia


In this article, it is explain about the key stakeholder in a business field. Key stakeholder is individual or organizations that affect or affected to the input and outcomes of the business. In this article, it is explain about the type and role of the stakeholder both internal and external. It is also explain about process on how to identify key stakeholder. It has five processes to make sure manager carefully on identifying the stakeholder. Business also will face different needs of stakeholder. Therefore, in this article also explain on how to deal with different stakeholders.
Key stakeholder in business, Key stakeholder, Business, Stakeholder.

1.0 Introduction

In a term in economic, business refers to any public or private organization that sale their product or services to fulfill customer needs and the main objective of business is to earn profits. According to article in website by Umar farooq (2012), business is a source to gain wealth that depends on work, efforts and acts of people or human. In a nature of business, as a nature of human in business field, they always want and want more and for satisfying their needs, they works and works harder. Characteristics of business are, production or acquisition of goods which is every business will deals with goods (may produce, manufacture or procure) and services, Profit which it is the basic motivation business to ensure the survival of the business, Risk which is businessman or woman will face uncertainty of their future of business, dealing in goods and services which is deal with goods and services to supply to those who need it and regular dealing which is it is important characteristic in business because business needs to keeps restock and sells to customer regularly to continues survive.
Key stakeholder can be define as individual or group of people who are affects or affecting directly or indirectly to achieve the objectives and goal of the organization to run their business. Freeman (1984). In general, the concept of stakeholder is about what the business should be and how it should be viewed. Organization itself should consider them as group of stakeholder and the objectives of the organization are need to manage the importance, needs and perspective that related to their business. Stakeholder management is considered to be fulfilled by the manager of the firm. Manager should manage the corporation to ensure the right of stakeholders and the participation in decision making and manager has to act as shareholder in their business to ensure the survival of their business and to protect long terms of the business. Friedman (2006). Stakeholder also can be defining as groups that important for the survival and successful of the business. Freeman (2004). In the book of Freeman (1984), he said without groups of support, the organization will not exist and cannot survive. Examples of stakeholders are customers, employees, business partners, competitors, local communities, supplier and distributors, shareholder and financiers from other than stakeholder such as creditors. Friedman (2006).
In business field they will always face and have relation with stakeholder to run their business. Therefore, key stakeholder is really important in a business field because to make sure their business continues survive, there must to take care of their stakeholder that will make sure or help to work in order to achieve the objectives and goal of the business.

2.0 Types of key stakeholder and their role

There are internal and external key stakeholders. An internal stakeholder is anyone who is within the organization that working to achieve the goal and objective of the organization such as employees, manager and owner. An external key stakeholder is anyone who is not within the organization but concerned about the business and affecting the business performance such as suppliers, society, government, creditors, shareholders and customer.

Figure 1: Types of key stakeholder

By: Boundless (2016)

2.1 Internal key stakeholder:

2.1.1 Employees
It is the key stakeholder group because an employee will contribute their labor and expertise in the organization and it is also the link between the product or service and the customer. Money that is invest to the employees for their selection and training is not futile because it can lead to increased satisfaction and competence of employees and this also will lead to good services and increase customer satisfaction and at the end it also will lead to the growth and success of the business organization. Boundless (2016).

2.1.2 Manager
Manager play as a main role in the business which is manager has to set strategies of the organization such as goal and objective, vision and mission of the business. Others than that, manager is important to make any decision regarding to the business activities and manager is an important person who link between shareholder, the board of directors and their organization. Boundless (2016).

2.1.3 Owners
Owners are an individual who hold the significant share of the organization including publicly traded organizations. As an owner of the organization, they have responsibility to the impact of the organization and as a main role in the strategies of the organization. Owner often make important decision regarding internal and external stakeholder. Boundless (2016).

2.2 External key stakeholder:

2.2.1 Suppliers
Steven Bragg said, supplier also known as vendor which it is an individual or organization that will provides their products or services to others organization. Usually suppliers consist of manufacturer or distributor.

2.2.2 Society
There are defined as people, groups, organizations or business. Business can be affected or be affected by society actions, objectives and policies. Examples of society stakeholder are residents, community groups, developers, government workers, business owners, neighborhood leaders, commission members and others. Ruth (2016).

2.2.3 Government
Government is important in business field to strengthen their success because government is business tax. Government is key stakeholder because government will affected to the profit of the business. Government also will ensure that accounting procedure, ethical practices and legal concern are handled responsibly by business representatives. Boundless (2016).

2.2.4 Creditors
Creditors are someone who lends the money to the business so that they can run their business and creditor has agreed to receive the payment later. It is as resources to the business to help them in terms of money. Creditors will interested in business that they know the business capable and has enough money to pay them back later. Boyu Xu (2013).

2.2.5 Shareholders
Shareholders consist of person, company or institution that at least has one share of company stock. They also will get the benefits of the company profit because they are also a company owner. They also will be affected by the loss of the business in which they will lose the money they invested in the business. Ayton MacEachern (2017).

2.2.6 Customers
Primary purpose of providing goods and services is to fulfill the needs of human. Understand the needs of customers with the optimizing operations to fulfill the needs of customers are a significant part of managing a business. Boundless (2016).

3.0 How to identify stakeholders to success in business.

Figure 2: Process to Identify Stakeholders.

By: Lynda Bourne (2009)

It is important to carefully identify your stakeholder because it has limited resources and organization cannot do everything for everyone. To identify stakeholders, you will have large list in a short time. If you cannot focus to the important relationships, management and staff will be running in all direction and did not meet the requirements. Graham Kenny (2014). So, there are five steps that can help to identify key stakeholders in your business which are identify stakeholders, prioritize your stakeholders, understanding and managing your stakeholders, setting goals and identify costs of stakeholder analysis and evaluation and revision. It will help to direct your organization energy and activities. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).
First step is identifying stakeholders. It is a process to identifying who is involve in the business and discuss with a team why they are important to meet the business objectives and goal. It is important to focus to their role in the business and not just a collection organization or the title position. This is because, individual or organizations have different levels of power or different important to the organization and maybe have a different relationship with various teams member. It is important because this is to form a network and not an organization. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).
Second step is priorities your stakeholders. It is means, give the priorities to stakeholders in term of how critical they are in the success of these business. This is also can help in priorities the communication and discussions with the stakeholders that will most affect the success of a business. Important people and influential people in business is different but it is have the same important to the success of the business which means, important people is refers to those who have power over the delivery of project outcomes and influential people is refers to peoples who have power direct or indirectly in the success of the business. Example of important peoples are, leaders, critical knowledge resources and providers of resources and the example of influential peoples are financial people and people that have power to  the key decision maker in the business activities. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).
Third step is understand and managing the stakeholder. It is involve on considering such attitude of the stakeholder to the project, attitude of the stakeholder to the team and any risk that will associated with their involvements in the project. Then, you have to consider on what changes required in how you involve you involve them to decrease any risk and increase their appreciation and commitment to the project. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).
Fourth step is setting goals and identify costs of stakeholder analysis. It is requires team to prescribe their responsibilities to carry out communication task and to set appropriate timelines. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).
Fifth step is evaluation and revision. This process will be carried out regularly throughout the life of the project. It will be most beneficial when analysis about the stakeholders always updated to identify whether there are potential for new stakeholders, changes in current stakeholders or if perception of the project have change. Kennon, Howden and Hartley (2009).

4.0 How to relate with different types of stakeholders

With the analysis about the key stakeholder, manager will collect enough information about their stakeholders to build a strong relationship without regardless of the differences between them. For example, if manager deal with director of marketing and chief information officer, the needs and want from them will be different. Therefore, engagement with each must be different as well.
Stakeholder with financial concern have to know the potential return of the business outcomes and if there is a problem, others will support to improving operations, increase market share, increasing production or meeting other company objectives.
Remember that company interest are most important than individual or stakeholder interest. Therefore you must keep each stakeholders expectations and needs in mind.
Stakeholders will respect on what the needs of the organization if the attitude of manager of business activities are excellent such as always be honest even when need to tell key stakeholder something that they do not want to hear, can be predictable and reliable, stand by their own decisions and takes accountability for mistakes. Adriennie Watt (2010).

5.0 Conclusion

As a conclusion, stakeholder is important to help the success of the business and because of that, manager must carefully in identify, managing and know how to maintain the relationships with the stakeholders. The important people that business must focus on to increase their profit or to maintain the success of the business is not on customer only but also to their owners, manager, employees, supplier, society, government, creditors and shareholder. There are a lot of things that manager must control and manage. Because of that, manager must use the process on how to identify and manage their stakeholder for their organization carefully to make sure their business will run well for the future of the business.

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