Monday 19 June 2017


Education and training for records management professional
Nur Syamimi Binti Rahman @ Wagi
UiTM Puncak Perdana

This study is about the education and training for record management professional. The records management professional  are need to give education and training. In this study also will reveal how education and training will affect the records management professionals. This paper aims to explore the definitions of and the differences between education and training and the role of each in nurturing and supporting lifelong learning for records professionals
Keywords : Education and training, records management, professional

            Education and training are very important for records management professional. Education provides new professionals with knowledge of theory of the discipline and helps them to explore current practice. It provides the informationseeking skills and encourages a reflective habit that underpins independent lifelong learning. Training focuses on acquisition of specific skills and competencies necessary in the workplace. More is needed for a viable professional future; education for research is essential to the development of professional knowledge and for the survival of education programmes in universities.
What is education and training for records professionals?
            Every organization stresses training and it is a legal requirement in many industries. Training managers and human resource personnel spend countless hours identifying, preparing, and delivering training. After training, we test to assess competency and mastery of information and skills.With any training program, there are the associated training records. Records document who was trained, when they were trained, and what skills they have mastered. Training records provide documentation for regulatory agencies, information for personnel evaluations, and support for promotion or salary increases.
Training records can be used as a basis for goal setting or aid in selecting staff assignments by matching competencies with required skills. They also are useful for charting and reviewing personal progress toward annual goals. Records are objective. They provide the data needed to make decisions based on actual performance after specific training. Records provide an easy method to identify training gaps that direct future subject matter. As a reminder, this gap analysis assesses the needs of the organization and the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities (KSA) of the staff in relation to the jobs they perform.
            The meaning of education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. In simple words, education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.  The meaning of training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, productivity and performance.
            However, people with the knowledge, skills and abilities required to build a recordkeeping infrastructure that is relevant to the accountability and programme delivery requirements of the government have yet to be trained and recruited. Given these record-keeping challenges, how will the Malaysian government proceed? While countries such as the UK and some of the European States have proceeded with developing education and training programmes, as well as a series of guidelines and toolkits on ERM for the key players, countries like Australia and Canada have embarked on large-scale of research.

            McDonald (1998), Hare (2003), McLeod, Hare & Johare (2004) have suggested that education, training and recruitment strategies should be established to ensure that the administrators, records managers, archivists and IT personnel who are responsible for the record-keeping infrastructure in the government have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their jobs. Based on these suggestions, education and training strategies should be designed for, and reach out to, the existing record keepers in the public sector in general and the Malaysian government in particular.

Important of Further Training and Education For Records Professionals
            Organization of records today must do everything possible to stay competitive and maintain a highly skilled, motivated staff. Despite today’s very competitive job market, employees often have little hesitation when it comes to searching for a new job if they become unhappy with their current employer. In order to keep employees satisfied, boost morale, and remain competitive, employers need to be aware of the need for continual employee training and education.

Training methods
Patton (1990) and Oppenheim (2000)One of the most popular methods of further training is that of computer-assisted instruction. Employees complete specific modules of instruction, usually at the employee’s own pace. Accurate monitoring of the employee’s progress is possible, and the amount of time an employee spends on a specific module is adjustable, dependent upon need. Another common method of training is the workshop model, where groups of employees learn through a combination of audiovisual aids, games, role-playing, and occasionally through lecture. This method encourages employees to get to know each other and fosters cooperation between different job classifications and departments.

Offering senior staff and management the opportunity to learn about the jobs of the support staff is another frequent choice when companies are considering what types of training employees need. Often, management is unaware of the day to day tasks of hourly employees. They may believe that those employees are not critical to the company’s operation, or that they can be quickly and easily replaced. Training management-level employees to do non-management tasks encourages an understanding and appreciation among all company personnel and can give rise to new ideas and suggestions for improvements to current practices. EmpXtrack Training Management helps you to identify the unique training needs, skills and competencies for each employee. We also ensure that managers are closely involved in the training process and create a schedule that actively meets the training gaps in your organization.

When employees learn cross-training, which is learning to do the jobs of other employees, , the business gains security as it enables an employee to step in should another become unavailable due to illness, leave of absence, or promotion. The company can remain productive when the option of relocating employees as needed, is available. In addition, exposing staff to different jobs and departments within the company helps them to understand how each position is important to the big picture. Employees understand the value of each role and develop a greater respect for individual contributions. This is a morale booster and a great way of encouraging respect among employees.Evans, F(1990).

Businesses wishing to retain their best employees and stay competitive must offer further training to their personnel. Employees respond positively to the opportunity to improve their job skills, which results in greater job satisfaction. Stella Workman is a freelance blogger who usually writes about saving accounts over at Her recent review looked at where to get good savings account rates.
Records Professional Recognition

            According to McLeod, Hare and Johare (2004),In order to keep records professinal motivated about training, recognition of accomplishments is vital. We live in a world where employee pats on the back are expected. Younger team members especially are used to receiving recognition and kudos for even the smallest achievements. It follows that they would also expect recognition for these work-related achievements. For major events, such as achieving a certification or a specialty certificate, monetary rewards and sometimes promotion are standard. Often this is coupled with a mention in a company newsletter, a plaque on the wall, or a celebration lunch. But what about routine training? Do we recognize staff enough for ongoing mastery of new materials and new techniques? Such recognition does not need to be expensive or complex. A mention during a staff meeting or a monthly lunch to celebrate new masteries, are an easy way to provide that pat on the back in a meaningful way.

Some other suggestions include:

·         Initiating a “Trainee of the Month” program;
·         Recognizing achievement in a departmental email;
·         Rewarding staff with trips to local or regional meetings;
·         Allowing successful students to assist with training for less skilled employees;
·         Posting photos of successful trainees with their specialty listed;
·         Using masteries of new material as part of the employee evaluation process;
·         Including training expectations as part of an annual goal-setting exercise;
·         Sending a letter of congratulations from HR or higher level manager;
·         Listing achievements in a monthly or quarterly in-house or professional society newsletter.

Another suggestion is to use competent staff as the core of a “Train the Trainer” program, building on their success to motivate other staff members to achieve.

Organizational behaviour is important as it tells employees what is valued.2 If we value training, we need to recognize those employees who strive and achieve, not just for major milestones, such as certification, but for dedicated and ongoing learning. Training records can help determine who those dedicated employees are.

            For the conclusion, the education and training are very important to records professional. Education and  training  not only important to the professionals worker but also important to the staff. Education and training have to do regularly to the professionals records so that the professional are expert in their profession. If high quality care is to be maintained, education and training is needed to provide staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to adapt to their changing roles. Developing your employees' skills through training can improve your business and help it stay competitive. Other benefits of training include greater staff retention and commitment a qualified workforce, increased productivity, improved quality and less wastage.


Karen Anderson, (2007) "Education and training for records professionals", Records
            Management Journal, Vol. 17 Issue: 2, pp.94-106.

McDonald, J. 1998. The role and position of records management in government.
Paper presented at the International Conference on the Transition to ElectronicRecords as a Strategic Resource, 22-24 June, Kuala Lumpur.

            McLeod, J., Hare, C. & Johare, R. 2004. Education and training for records
management in the electronic environment – the (re)search for an appropriate
model. Information Research, Vol. 9, no.3, paper 179.
            Patton, M.Q. 1990. Qualitative evaluation and research methods. (2nd ed.). Newbury
Park: Sage
            Oppenheim, A.N. 2000. Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude
measurement. (New edition). London: Continuum.
McLeod, J., Hare, C., & Johare, R. (2004). Education and training for records
management in the electronic environment– the (re)search for an appropriate model. Information Research, 9(3) paper 179. Retrieved June, 28, 2005 from web site: http://].

Hare, C., & McLeod, J. (1999). Developing a research profile: a case study from  the          United Kingdom. Records Management Journal, 9(3), 219-233.

            Johare, R. (2001). Electronic records management in Malaysia: the need for an
organizational and legal frameworks. Records Management Journal, 11(2), 97-110.

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